Down with veil.

First,I'd like to be fair and mention that veil in Egypt is due to other more profound problems like poverty and certain areas where girls can't go out without veil because it's dangerous or it's so much Islamic or whatever.
In general Veil in Arab world indicates:Discrimination,Hypocrisy,and that the woman is just a desire that should be covered.
Veil is a major way of discrimination in Arab society especially where there are more than one religion it's a way to differentiate between Muslims and non-Muslims which is very rude and doesn't help much in building successful relations between human being.Not only that it's a way of discrimination between (good) Muslims and (potentially bad) Muslim and every one knows what i mean,you can find a veiled girl who has non-veiled friend and everything is fine but the veiled girl believes that she is better than her friend and people would appreciate her more and she has better opportunities for seizing a groom(which is as brainless as she is).Discriminating against people by what they wear is so primitive and rude and it's what the veil serves,believe it or not.
Hypocrisy,which is the main target of veil and every one knows it,we see veiled girls with boys kissing,caressing,drinking beer,and do almost everything but the point is to look good to people and look Islamic and virtuous so as the first dumb ass thinks i am the right wife for him.And if you discuss that with anyone,it's like you got closer to the sanctum sanctorum and you shall burn in hell for discussing god's order that should never be discussed,so as long as my hair is covered i can do anything.This is by far the utmost hypocrisy anyone can witness.
The problem with Arabs that they think that the opposite of veil is nudity,which shows how stupid they are,from all religions in the world that advise women to dress moderately,only Islam and Muslims acts like dickheads when it comes to veil(which shows how the Women in Islam is lucky!!) and if you tell someone this he would say:sure,Islam makes the woman like a diamond that should be covered and hide ,which shows that the woman is only a property and an object of desire that has to be covered,if you want to obey god you can dress moderately and be a good person in life.What about the nuns?the nuns have devoted themselves to their religion,but the veiled women want to put a scarf on their head and go dancing.if anyone says that veil is progressive and a good indicator that people are starting to know their religion is an absolute asshole,respecting a woman for who she is a hallmark of civilization and not a piece of cloth that covers her mind before her hair!!!