My favorite book is.....

I have noticed something that is almost there in most Arabic or Egyptian blogs,that people write in their personal profiles that their favorite book is the Qur'an.Well,i have nothing against people who want to choose their own favorite books but may i know why?In civilized countries people read books and meet every week or two weeks to discuss the book and see it from all its aspects in what's called a book club,is that possible with the Quran?Can it be criticized or discussed?It can only be explained and by people who did it hundreds of years ago which means it can't even be explained according to our modern times.Some people will say Quran is a great book because it tells us what's wrong and what's right,which is not true,laws have been knows a long before all Abrahamic religions not to forget Hammurabi and his law codes.Others will say that Qur'an tells us about the other prophets and people,which is not true either,we can find more stories in the Bible and the Torah,so actually it's not a very unique book if you ask me,some people will say they like it because of its outstanding language,which is difficult and most of people don't understand it,and how can other people who don't speak Arabic understand such thing?You find people here read Qur'an everywhere,work,buses,driving,in the streets and everywhere as reading more gives you more bonus as they think,but do they actually understand what they are reading?No,because they would have noticed the contradictions in most of verses or verses that's simply non understandable.The last study revealed that the Arab person read less than 5 books a year which means nothing,so no wonder as they don't read anything in the first place,they would definitely choose the only book they have read as their favorite!!
أولا حمدالله على السلامة
ثانيا انا سعيد انك رجعت تكتب تانى
ثالثا موضوع مهم جدا اللى بتتكلم فيه و كنت اتمنى انك تكتبه بالعربى احسن عشان تضمن اكبر نسبة من قرائته
So glad you are here again.
Moslems don't write, don't read and don't translate. This means they don't even learn from the world about the importance of reading.
I think that one of the major reasons of this ignorance is they think that they have solutions for all their trouble in their holy book. Even when a physicist or an astronaut discovers something new, they say "look, this is exactly what tha Qur'an said 14 centuries ago".
How can you convince such people to read more than their sacred book?
An issue which seems to me even more important is the fact that many moslems don't even read the Qur'an for if they did, they would discover plenty of contradictions inside.
عامر الأمير
الحوار المتمدن - العدد: 1927 - 2007 / 5 / 26
الفصل الخاص بالناسخ و المنسوخ في القرآن .. و قد تعرفت على ما يسمى " ما نسخ لفظه و بقي حكمه " كآيات الرجم و رضعات الكبير عشرا !!.. فقد كنت قبل ذلك أعلم أن النسخ في القرآن يأتي من القرآن ذاته لا من قبل " حيوان داجن " !! أكل صحيفة كتبت فيها آيات قرآنية لم تجمع في " مصحف عثمان " فإعتبرت منسوخة لفظا فقط .. لكنها ظلت قائمة كحكم شرعي ... و بعد متابعتي لموضوع النسخ في القرآن إستجد لدي أمر آخر ألا و هو ضياع الكثير من القرآن كما يقول عمر بن الخطاب أو أن سورة الفاتحة ليست من القرآن كما يقول عبدالله بن مسعود الذي أوصى النبي محمد أن يأخذ المسلمون قرآنهم منه و من ثلاثة آخرين .. يروى عن محمد قوله : " خذوا القـرآن من أربعـة : عبدالله بن مسعـود وسالم مولى أبى حذيفـة وأبي بن كعب ومعـاذ بـن جبـل " !!! و يحكى أن عثمان قد أمر بتأديب إبن مسعود الذي أشبع ضربا حتى تكسرت عظامه لإعتراضه على سورة الفاتحة كونها دعاءا و ليس قرآنا !!! ... و من المصادفات الغريبة أن يكون سالم مولى أبي حذيفة ممن أوصى بهم محمد بأخذ القرآن منهم كان سببا في نزول آية " رضعات الكبير عشرا " التي لم يجمعها عثمان في مصحفه بسبب " داجن أو دويبة " أكلها أو أكلتها !!! ... فقد جاء في مسند أحمد : " حدثنا يعقوب قال حدثنا أبي عن ابن إسحاق قال حدثني عبد الله بن أبي بكر بن محمد بن عمرو بن حزم عن عمرة بنت عبد الرحمن عن عائشة زوج النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قالت : لقد أنزلت آية الرجم و رضعات الكبير عشرا فكانت في ورقة تحت سرير في بيتي فلما اشتكى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم تشاغلنا بأمره ودخلت دويبة لنا فأكلتها " !!!... و هذه الحادثة " أكل داجن أو ديبة لصحف من القرآن " تؤكدها عدة مصادر إسلامية معترف بها
و يبقى أيضا السؤال مشروعا حول صحة ما ضاع من القرآن ؟؟ و لماذا كانت عائشة وحدها تعلم بآية رضاع الكبير دون سائر " أمهات المؤمنين " أو " المسلمين الأوائل " ؟؟ و لماذا أصرت عائشة على تعميم رضاعة الكبير و تطبيقها على نفسها ؟؟ و يا ترى هل كانت عائشة بحاجة الى رضاعة الكبير كمسوغ شرعي حثيث لعلة في نفس يعقوب ؟؟ و إذا علمنا أن عائشة قد إعتادت على المضاجعة الكثيرة مع زوجها حتى في أيام حيضها منذ سن التاسعة من عمرها و حتى سن الثمانية عشر عندما توفي عنها محمد تاركا إياها فتاة في عنفوان شبابها حرمها النص القرآني من الزواج أو النكاح .. فإنه يمكننا الظن أن هنالك سرا خفيا لم تذكره لنا مصادر التأريخ كان وراء تلك الرغبة العائشية في الإصرار على العمل بآية رضاع الكبير ... فمن يدري لعل مداعبة النهود و مص الحلمات كان يطفيء شهوة محرمة شرعا ...!!! و من يدري مالذي كان يجري خلف الستار عندما كان ينفرد الرجال المؤمنون بأمهم داخل حجرتها.. هل كانت تسمح لهم برضاع ثدييها ؟؟؟ أم تكتفي لوحدها بالمداعبة الذاتية لأعضائها الجنسية بعد أن تكون قد علمت أن هؤلاء الرجال قد مصوا أثداء أخواتها و بنات أخواتها فتطفيء نار شهوة جسد ثائر تعود على المداعبة و التدليك و المضاجعة و المناكحة منذ سن الطفولة ... و قد قيل قديما من شب على شيء شاب عليه .. أسئلة كثيرة محيرة ... لن ينفع الهرب منها لإسكاتها ...
i compaltly agree wz yaa ( may its my first time )
bas i really agree
u know .. u remind me wz the ppl who says that they ' re in love wz GOD
wz love god wz no limits
they do this and that coz they love god
and they dun do this or that coz they really care about god
heheheeee its like a joke for me i cant imagne ... do they really know GOD to love himor not !!! and how they love him wzout knowing him.. is it possible to love somone u dun know !!! and how could they love him and they afraid of him !!
this is bull shit
about muslums ....
they keeep sayin that thier fav. book is quran .. and i big that all of them dun know the meaning of it
hheheee.. coz till now nobody knows the meanings of quran
they r nuts ..
i wanna add somthin .. that the quran didnt changes any of the laws which was there at the pre-Islamic times
it banned some attitudes which arabs can give up it easily
but about the deep-rooted attitude the quran keep it for them ( hehehe )
like ( ma mamlket aymankom ) which the free men can fuck his salve
sooo the quran changed nothing ;D
this is the first time i read for you and actually this is my first post but i couldn't complete reading without writting my own comment
any how
though i'm different with you
i can see what you are talking about
cause most muslems read quraan without understanding
and most arabs don't read in the firstplace
we are so retarded about reading books
any how allow me to object to the way you are talking like if EVERY ONE is the same
dear... muslems are not one package
trust me no one is in a package
muslem or not muslem
each person is an individual case
i may know that germen are tough
but i must live with germen
see things by their own view
to REALLY judge
the defect is not in islam
it's in the people
just like when we talk about egypt.. egypt itself-as a country- is not poor it's rich with resources but people are poor
cause the defect is in application dear
i wanted to tell u that i read quraan and i get it and i find it great book
and i wanna ask u how many times have u read quraan?
and if it's difficult for u have u ever been interested in looking for it's meaning??
to be that sure about your judgment
u say you have countless books in faviorte category
how many books made u think and search
i don't know u may give that book called quraan another chance
but trust me it's a matter of acceptance
if u can't see in quraan and islam but stupid ancient religion
you'll not see it in another way
kind regards
Dear Amoenhotp,
I appreciate your point of view, Quran is a religious book and cannot be expressed as favorite book when it comes to public readings. Yet, I wonder what verses in Quran you see to be contradicting? if we talk about Hadieth I will tell u 1000 examples of contradiction. But not Quran, at least to me. Thanks
I do have a few comments regarding your post, and I'm all filled with hope that you won't take my comments too personal. I am not against you, nor am I with you. I'm just wondering, and I thought I should share my stray thoughts with you, and your readers.
The Quran is, as it has always been, the third part of the Holly trilogy of God. It only came to complete the picture that was debuted by the two episodes of the Holly Bible. Of course it doesn't have all the stories, but the bible doesn't as well… None is supposed to have it all as a matter of fact, for then it would have ruined the whole idea of the Holy trilogy. The thing is that Muslims believe that the Bible has been meddled with (meaning that non-holy people applied modifications to the heavenly version). However, it doesn’t occur to many that the whole trilogy should be taken in as a means to see the whole picture as it's been painted.
Yes, there has been a lot of interpretations of the complicated verses of the Holy Quran, all ancient, but also some recent. Nevertheless, the Quran itself tells whoever read it to try to understand it for him/herself firstly, and if s/he couldn't manage then there'd be no harm in seeking a bit of help. The Quran is not really difficult to understand, but the language itself is extremely rich (A word may carry tens of meanings, subsequently leading to dozens and hundreds of misunderstood contradictions). Go figure!
This isn’t a debate so I am not really trying to break your theory. I think I'm only trying to say that even skepticism needs to be reasoned, and when practiced it should be practiced for the sake of knowing the absolute truth, not over a personal belief or goal.
I've been dealing with scientific theories and rules for the last five years of my life, and I've learned to practice reasonable skepticism when trying to understand a theory in order to get the honest truth (validate the theory), and for the greater good.
My sincerest wishes,
primero, te escribiré en español ya soy de sudamerica específicamente de chile
desde este lado del mundo creo yo que NO se debe permitir que un libro te diga que es bueno y malo sea la biblia el koran o cualquier libro. como casi todos los libros religiosos esatan llenos de contradicciones
La manera mas rapida de ser ateo es leer la biblia.
الطريق السريع ولكن لكي يكون الالحاد هو قراءة الانج
la unica manera de evitar eso es leas te informes y te hagas una conpeccion del mundo basada en una pluralidad de opiniones e ideas
saludos desde chile
تحية من شيلى
I may agree with you that reading the Qur'an in the streets and in the buses is not a good idea, but if it is not loud and noisy reading (silent), then it is not my business. As you may noticed in many civilized countries people are reading any book in the buses and streets and no one care, right?
Reading books is getting less everywhere not only in Egypt and Arab countries. I am working with many nationalities and I am traveling since 23 years, from discussions with others and observation I can say it is a general and worldwide phenomena people reading less and it is declining. book clubs you mentioned should be some selective groups of people as we still have here.
kind regards
لاأدرى أتظل على عهدك ومدونتك كشىء واحد لاتفترقان أم أنك أطلقت للتدوين عنانه ففر منك أو فررت منه؟؟
على أية حال..القرآن هناك من قتله بحثآ وشكك فى لغته التى عدد بها أخطاء نحويه ولغويه،وأثبت خطأ القصص التى يقول أنها أحسن الصص،والشخصيات التى أتى بها كذلك
ما زل فيه المسلمون أنهم تصوروا أو هكذا خيل لهم أن القرآن كتاب كيمياء وطبيعه وفلك وبه قياس سرعة الضوء وجيولوجيا ويقومون بتفصيل الحدث على سعة كتابهم وهذا تدنى وإحساس بالدونيه عمن عداهم من الأجناس والأديان ألأخرى
المسلمون بهم نقص من الأقوام الأخرى لدرجة أن كل كلمه او همسه يرجعونها إلى ضعف ومؤامرة من الناس عليهم
ويستشهون أنهم خير ا/ه أخرجت للناس؟؟؟
أى أمه تلك التى هى أحسن ألأمم؟؟وحالها يدل عليها؟؟
Hi all..
I am new here...I feel sad because there is a strong sense of "let's hate islam and moslems" in this blog...By the way I am not moslem!!! I hope that those hate-mongers come to their senses..and respect each other..
omg !!
:( ..
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